Favorite resources:
Crafts and Craft Shows by Phil Kadubec
Craft Show 101 by Brandy Agerbeck of Loosetooth
The only thing I waited too long to purchase were bags so of course the shopping bags didn't show on time so I had to make a trip to Rag Shop to purchase some brown gift bags to hold me for the day. Someone told me to check Home Depot but they only had extra large brown paper lawn bags.
We arrived at my brother's in Lakewood approximately 11 p.m. My brother always happy for company, wanted my mother, aunt, daughter, and me to stay up late watching movies. I begged off. I was already wired for the next day and wanted to be bright and chipper in the a.m. So off to bed the little girl and I went.
Now I should mention that my family (read: my mother and aunt) are notoriously late for everything. I told them set-up was 6:00am -8:00 am. I got up at 4:45 am. They were still sleeping. I laid down until 5:15 am, then proceeded to get my daughter and myself ready for the day. At 5:45, neither my mother or aunt had hit the shower. Somehow they had forgotten my brother has three bathrooms and two showers in his house. **sigh** So neither one of them had used the bathroom thinking it was unavailable. **rolleyes**
I guess the talk I had with God the previous day worked out because I didn't flip. I just asked them to hurry up so we could get going. My main concern was getting the tent up because we never had a chance to test it. At 6:45, we're on the road. (Thank God we didn't unpack the van.) At 7:00, we were at the market. It was close to my brother's house so that was a lifesaver. Out came the tent and at the first sign of trouble I asked one of our neighbors to help us and he gladly helped along with another gentleman (Thank you fellas *muah* ) My mom and aunt got the tables set up and I went to work laying out the displays.
Click for larger images!!
Everything is not shown in the pictures because I had customers before I finished laying out everything. **yippee**
The day went very well. There was constant traffic in and out of the tent. I handed out plenty of flyers and coupons. Alot of compliments on the inventory and set-up. I even had a nail salon owner ask me about setting up stock in her shop. So all in all a good day for a first market.
My mother said she was very proud of me. She loved how I set everything up, my ease with customers, she said she thinks its the beginning of something special. I took my employees (mom, aunt, and daughter) to lunch and we made the trek home. I would be lying if I said I wasn't tired.
But now its time to plan the next one...