Tuesday, June 30, 2009
From "21 Jump Street" Cop to Public Enemy?

Am I the only one who had an Officer Tom Hanson moment when seeing the promos and posters of "Public Enemies"?
Johnny, no man should be this fine. **swoons**
Now I must find picture of Channing Tatum as Pretty Boy Floyd...such eye candy. **licks chops**
Monday, June 29, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I've Got a "Crush"
A 90s throwback sings a 90s throwback. Renee Neufville of 90s duo, Zhane sings one of their biggest hits live. Sweet!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Fell off the wagon? Clutch the pearls!!!
Okay I admit it...
I've been slacking. Last month's bronchitis really laid me low and I admit my average workout has been once a week for the past three. I gained five of the fifteen back. Nah I can't have that. lol So today I hit the gym and tonight I think I will take a stroll around the neighborhood with the little girl. She just came home yesterday after being gone alittle over a week. I didn't share the drama?
Well two Thursdays ago, the kid had a fever at school and the nurse called with a request for her to be picked up. Now my mom was picking her up early anyway to take her on a trip to the Poconos for the weekend so I figured we were covered. Right?
The next day, the school nurse calls me to tell me due to the swine flu scare my daughter could not return to school for seven days. It was the last week of school. It didn't make sense to send her to school for the last day so when she came back from the Poconos she had a mini vacation at my aunt's in Brooklyn.
As much as I love having time to myself, I miss the little mama. So a nice strut around the neighborhood could be a nice healthy option and a chance to re-bond with the kid.
80's soundtrack please!
Fell off the wagon? Clutch the pearls!!!
Okay I admit it...
I've been slacking. Last month's bronchitis really laid me low and I admit my average workout has been once a week for the past three. I gained five of the fifteen back. Nah I can't have that. lol So today I hit the gym and tonight I think I will take a stroll around the neighborhood with the little girl. She just came home yesterday after being gone alittle over a week. I didn't share the drama?
Well two Thursdays ago, the kid had a fever at school and the nurse called with a request for her to be picked up. Now my mom was picking her up early anyway to take her on a trip to the Poconos for the weekend so I figured we were covered. Right?
The next day, the school nurse calls me to tell me due to the swine flu scare my daughter could not return to school for seven days. It was the last week of school. It didn't make sense to send her to school for the last day so when she came back from the Poconos she had a mini vacation at my aunt's in Brooklyn.
As much as I love having time to myself, I miss the little mama. So a nice strut around the neighborhood could be a nice healthy option and a chance to re-bond with the kid.
80's soundtrack please!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Own It, Love It!

I was never a skinny person. I think the only time I was thin, I was four years old. That's not to say I was fat either. I was healthy and I was ok with me until 3rd grade. In 3rd grade, the school nurse performed basic physicals for everyone in my class. After weighing me, she rushed to call my mother in front of the class and announced to my mother that she needed to put me on a diet right away because I was overweight. For my height and age I should have weighed 80 pounds. What did I weigh?
82 pounds...pause
2 pounds demanded a call to my mother and an announcement in front of the whole class that I was fat and needed to lose weight. I was already very shy because I had just started at a new school. Coupled with the fact that I was smart and nerdy, I was a prime target for bullies. I heard the word "fat" so much that year I was convinced I was big as a house. And thus began my nine year battle with insecurity about my weight.
The summer after 3rd grade, we went down south to visit my relatives. I heard whispers that maybe being outside would help me lose the two pounds. I came home six pounds heavier. The doctor would put me on a diet and I would only gain more weight no matter how devoted I was to the plan and exercise. I did the It Figures! workout with Charlene Prickett on Lifetime every day in sixth grade. Still no significant weight loss. I trimmed up a little but I was round. Between the ages of ten and twelve, I was round. Chubby cheeks and all. And despite how they paint it, shopping in Pretty Plus in Sears does not make you feel pretty when none of your friends shop there.
And then seventh grade came and I started to develop and the weight started to even out...but when I looked in the mirror, I still saw fat. I look at pictures from high school and though I was bigger than my friends, I wasn't as big as I visualized in my head but no one could tell me different. I couldn't see the real me.
The end of my senior year I decided I couldn't start college feeling the same way. For the past two years, I had been borrowing this old, decrepit book from the library called the Seventeen Magazine Guide for Girls or something like that. It was from the 1960s but it had an interesting slant to it. In the section on body image, it had this exercise where you stand in front of the mirror without clothes and pick 10 things you like about the way you look. One day when I was alone in the house, I decided to take a crack at it.
I took off my clothes and stood in the mirror and looked at myself. I mean really looked at myself. How many of us really look at our bodies? Sure we look in the mirror everyday as we get ready for our day but do we really look beyond a cursory glance?
That day I discovered myself. As I went along I found out more than 10 things I actually liked about me. From the mundane to the significant, there was so much to like. My smile, my eyes, the curve of my back, my flat belly, my skintone, etc, etc, etc.
I didn't look at myself with a critical eye. I looked at myself with loving eyes and I owned myself with its flaws and its beauty. That's a big deal especially after 9 years of self-doubt. That's a big deal for an 18 year old and its a big deal as I find myself revisiting the exercise as a 36 year old.
I'm alot heavier than I was as an 18 year old but I still look in the mirror and see me like I saw myself for the first time at 18...a beautiful woman. Though some days I might not feel as pretty or slim as other days, I own who I am at this moment and love who I am.
Whether you're fat, skinny, young, old, etc, it's so important to find peace and love yourself. I'm not saying stop trying to lose/gain weight or diet or take care of yourself, dress well, etc. I'm saying to love who you are...right now today.
So I challenge you to take off your clothes, stand in front of that mirror, and take that first look. Maybe you will discover yourself too.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Etsy Greetings Craft Space Makeover - Update 3

Etsy Greetings Craft Space Makeover - Update 3

Etsy Greetings Craft Space Makeover - Update 2

First thing to do to clean up my space was to move all the craft/office furniture to one side of the room creating alittle nook for my business area. Clean out one of the bookcases!

Etsy Greetings Craft Space Makeover - Update 2

First thing to do to clean up my space was to move all the craft/office furniture to one side of the room creating alittle nook for my business area. Clean out one of the bookcases!

EAOC Summer Madness Treasure Hunt-Thursday, June 18th-Sunday, June 21st 2009
Not only will you will have an opportunity to win a prize but you will also get to visit the shops of many very talented artists and maybe find a few new favorites. No purchase is necessary but if you happen to come across that one item, (or maybe two ) that you just can't resist by all means BUY IT! :-)
Now, are you ready for Summer Madness? We thought so. Come join in on the fun and good luck!
The Summer Madness Treasure Hunt will take place in the Etsy Promotions Forum beginning Thursday, June 18th and ending Sunday, June 21st. Each day the EAOC Summer Madness Treasure Hunt will begin at 12 noon and run until 12 midnight, EDT.
Once you have located all of the letters and completed the phrase, email Vanessa at vc1@bellsouth. Make sure in your email that you list each letter that you found and the shop that you found it in.
Again, good luck and have fun!
Participating shops:
EAOC Summer Madness Treasure Hunt-Thursday, June 18th-Sunday, June 21st 2009
Not only will you will have an opportunity to win a prize but you will also get to visit the shops of many very talented artists and maybe find a few new favorites. No purchase is necessary but if you happen to come across that one item, (or maybe two ) that you just can't resist by all means BUY IT! :-)
Now, are you ready for Summer Madness? We thought so. Come join in on the fun and good luck!
The Summer Madness Treasure Hunt will take place in the Etsy Promotions Forum beginning Thursday, June 18th and ending Sunday, June 21st. Each day the EAOC Summer Madness Treasure Hunt will begin at 12 noon and run until 12 midnight, EDT.
Once you have located all of the letters and completed the phrase, email Vanessa at vc1@bellsouth. Make sure in your email that you list each letter that you found and the shop that you found it in.
Again, good luck and have fun!
Participating shops:
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
It's coming, June 27th...Curves in the City!!!

I had so much fun at the last curves event, I had to do it again. This time the event is organized by Johara Tucker of the Luvin' My Curves blog. Curves in the City is a shopping soiree being held on Saturday, June 27 from 11 am to 3 pm at the Ripley Grier Studios, 520 8th Avenue (bet. 36th and 37th Streets) 16th Floor, Room 17D, New York, NY. This shopping event "rounds" out Full Figure Fashion Week. What's Full Figure Fashion Week, you ask?
A partnership of independent fashion designers, retailers, event producers, models and plus industry businesses, Full Figured Fashion Week (FFFWeek) was created to increase economic development in the area of plus size fashion design, clothing merchandising and plus modeling. This event will be held from June 25 - June 27, 2009 in New York City. The goal is to highlight the very best in plus size fashions – both retail and independent designers, while providing a FFWeek fashion showcase of talented designers, models, stylists and plus industry businesses on Saturday, June 27th, 2009 at The Prince George Ballroom.
I also plan on having some new products for my Curvy Girl collection so I hope you stop by to see me. For more information about Full Figure Fashion Week events and information on purchasing tickets for Curves in the City, visit here. http://www.fffweek.com/.
It's coming, June 27th...Curves in the City!!!

I had so much fun at the last curves event, I had to do it again. This time the event is organized by Johara Tucker of the Luvin' My Curves blog. Curves in the City is a shopping soiree being held on Saturday, June 27 from 11 am to 3 pm at the Ripley Grier Studios, 520 8th Avenue (bet. 36th and 37th Streets) 16th Floor, Room 17D, New York, NY. This shopping event "rounds" out Full Figure Fashion Week. What's Full Figure Fashion Week, you ask?
A partnership of independent fashion designers, retailers, event producers, models and plus industry businesses, Full Figured Fashion Week (FFFWeek) was created to increase economic development in the area of plus size fashion design, clothing merchandising and plus modeling. This event will be held from June 25 - June 27, 2009 in New York City. The goal is to highlight the very best in plus size fashions – both retail and independent designers, while providing a FFWeek fashion showcase of talented designers, models, stylists and plus industry businesses on Saturday, June 27th, 2009 at The Prince George Ballroom.
I also plan on having some new products for my Curvy Girl collection so I hope you stop by to see me. For more information about Full Figure Fashion Week events and information on purchasing tickets for Curves in the City, visit here. http://www.fffweek.com/.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Etsy Greetings Craft Space Makeover
Inspired by the craft space makeover of Shannen of Happy Elephant (http://happyelephantdesigns.blogspot.com/), several of us in the Etsy Greetings team decided to redo our own craft spaces.
Joining me are:
Genelle, of Scrapbook Completed. You can see her before shots on her own blog: http://www.scrapbookcompleted.blogspot.com/
Shannon of April Ink posted a photo of her "Monica Room": http://www.aprilink.blogspot.com/
Karen of Lavender Greetings, actually started a blog so that she could
join in with us: http://www.lavendergreetings.blogspot.com/
Molly of Molly Lee Cards: http://mollyleecards.blogspot.com/
Elana of Squeeze Card Co: http://lifeinsunset.blogspot.com/
I sincerely need a redo. Before my daughter was born, I used her room as my office. Now I'm spread out in the corners of the living room and it ain't pretty. Gulp! Here's my before pictures:

Little free spot by the TV with some misc craft supplies.

My office/work space. I keep business cards on a posterboard over the desk. Small embellishments and tools in the drawers. Paintbrushes and foam brushes up top. The green boxes are 12 x12 scrapbooking paper in the shelves. Up top more craft magazines.

Cigar boxes hold markers and gel pens

The cigar boxes are stored in another bookcase along with IKEA baskets of supplies: paper bags, stickers, embroidery floss, etc.

The SECOND craft table. The suitcases hold my sticker collection. The grey tub holds more scrapbooking paper.

The plastic drawers hold everything from glue to paint, fabric, stamps, ink, transparencies, and the list goes on and on. The Crayola Cutter is actually my daughter's but I might find some use for it. Lol
I think I have some good starting pieces. I like the cigar boxes and the IKEA baskets but I'd really like to buy a supply cabinet so I can close things up. Since I dabble in an assortment of crafts besides paper, I really need to clean things up. I often rebuy things because I can't find something and what you see here is not all of my supplies. I have things in my bedroom too because I can't work at my desk.