The first ever Crafts in Chelsea handmade street fair, a collaboration between PS 11 and The New New, will be taking place on October 17, 2009!21st Street between 8th and 9th Avenues will be closed off from 10am to 5pm where you'll find the finest handmade arts and crafts the New York Metro area has to offer! Also, there will be free food for kids, games, a bouncy castle, and even a petting zoo!Come sell with us! The deadline to apply has been extended until September 12th-- get the form here!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Come sell with the {NewNew} Etsy Team!!!
Come sell with the {NewNew} Etsy Team!!!
The first ever Crafts in Chelsea handmade street fair, a collaboration between PS 11 and The New New, will be taking place on October 17, 2009!21st Street between 8th and 9th Avenues will be closed off from 10am to 5pm where you'll find the finest handmade arts and crafts the New York Metro area has to offer! Also, there will be free food for kids, games, a bouncy castle, and even a petting zoo!Come sell with us! The deadline to apply has been extended until September 12th-- get the form here!
Monday Motivation: I'm Trapped
I used to love that song. We all used to dance like the Colonel with our shoulders shaking. lol. The funny thing about watching these old videos are the fashions. Oh the clothes were bad. lol
First day of class and really trying not to be stressed about Java Programming. Luckily I saw the syllabus alittle early so I have an idea what to expect. I got out of taking it last semester but I'm trapped now. My two classes this semester are prerequisites to my final credits. Database class looks like a walk in the park. Wish me luck!! **sigh**
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Sunday Slow Jam: Orange Moon
Something about this song gets to me. Nice and mellow for relaxing.
Sundays are usually my mellow chill out day before the week starts. I like to listen to good music or read a book. It's a day when my daughter and I usually don't do more than laundry or cook Sunday dinner. I decided I would give you a taste of mellowness every Sunday. Just one of my quick weekly posts so you don't miss me while I'm studying or catching up on rest.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Fall Shopping Begins: Yippee!!!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Today you can get your grubby little hands on a Little Black Box

I'm one of the featured artists in this month's Little Black Box, a indie sample box being sold at You can score some free handmade cards from in addition to some fabulous finds from other indie artists. I'm tempted to pick up one myself when I see goodies like these
Today you can get your grubby little hands on a Little Black Box

I'm one of the featured artists in this month's Little Black Box, a indie sample box being sold at You can score some free handmade cards from in addition to some fabulous finds from other indie artists. I'm tempted to pick up one myself when I see goodies like these
Monday, August 24, 2009
Okay I'm not trying to gross you out...

This greeted me on my way in from lunch last week, hanging out on the door to my office building. Now since I hate bugs and spiders as much as a Hatfield hates a McCoy, I quietly tried to open the door without that sucker flying into my face. It was huge! That's not the bad part of the story...
Yesterday I was teasing my daughter about the bug sound she could hear outside the window. (She also hates bugs and spiders.) If you live anywhere where the summers are kind of humid, you've heard the song of the cicadas. Now I didn't know what a cicada looked like. You hear them all the time but rarely see one. My kid being the daughter of an information junkie (me) asked me what a cicada looked like and of course I looked it up. Guess what that giant bugger up there is? Yeah a cicada.
Now in 36 years of living with the sounds of cicadas echoing in my ears during the summer I have never been worried about them. But now that I know what it looks like, I could feel myself freaking out as we walked home from the laundrymat and I could hear them singing in the trees overhead. Eeel!!! What if one fell into my hair?! I would have looked pretty strange running down the street screaming pushing a bright red shopping cart full of laundry.
Okay I'm not trying to gross you out...

This greeted me on my way in from lunch last week, hanging out on the door to my office building. Now since I hate bugs and spiders as much as a Hatfield hates a McCoy, I quietly tried to open the door without that sucker flying into my face. It was huge! That's not the bad part of the story...
Yesterday I was teasing my daughter about the bug sound she could hear outside the window. (She also hates bugs and spiders.) If you live anywhere where the summers are kind of humid, you've heard the song of the cicadas. Now I didn't know what a cicada looked like. You hear them all the time but rarely see one. My kid being the daughter of an information junkie (me) asked me what a cicada looked like and of course I looked it up. Guess what that giant bugger up there is? Yeah a cicada.
Now in 36 years of living with the sounds of cicadas echoing in my ears during the summer I have never been worried about them. But now that I know what it looks like, I could feel myself freaking out as we walked home from the laundrymat and I could hear them singing in the trees overhead. Eeel!!! What if one fell into my hair?! I would have looked pretty strange running down the street screaming pushing a bright red shopping cart full of laundry.
Monday Motivation: Give Me Tonight
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Etsy Browsing: Power is is eternal

Doesn't this locket remind you alittle of the Beast's eye in "Krull"?

What? I'm not the only one who saw this movie a million times. LOL!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
How to plan a child's tea party
How to plan a child's tea party
I got a mention on today!
Lesson learned: Stay current!!!
I got a mention on today!
Lesson learned: Stay current!!!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Forwarded email: What pets write in their diaries
Excerpts from a Dog's Diary......
8:00 am - Dog food! My favorite thing!
9:30 am - A car ride! My favorite thing!
9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favorite thing!
10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!
12:00 pm - Lunch! My favorite thing!
1:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favorite thing!
3:00 pm - Wagged my tail! My favorite thing!
5:00 pm - Milk Bones! My favorite thing!
7:00 pm - Got to play ball! My favorite thing!
8:00 pm - Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favorite thing!
11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!
Excerpts from a Cat 's Daily Diary...
Day 983 of my captivity...
My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets.
Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength.
The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet.
Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a 'good little hunter' I am. Bastards.
There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of 'allergies.' I must learn what this means and how to use it to my advantage.
Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow -- but at the top of the stairs.
I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released - and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Tea Party Done, Blog Redesign Done, Tomorrow Sleep
The tea party was a mini success. I say mini because only two girls showed up but they had a lot of fun and my daughter was happy. I admit planning was frustrating. I sent out ten invites and only had one RSVP the day before. So I was driving myself crazy about what I should buy. There's alot of leftovers. I really wish someone could have taken a minute to call or email and say "Sorry my kid can't make it." It's just proper and polite. **sigh**
I did manage to finish the redesign on my blog. I really like that it has a mood now. Thanks Dee on the compliment on the colors. I need to tweek my a bit more and I'm complete with the redesign a few weeks early. Woo hoo!
I'm still debating if I want to stay with an Etsy shop or work with Google checkout. I looked into a GoDaddy cart. The expense is just not feasible. Especially when I can code myself. The Google cart looks promising. I like the fact that I can make an inventory sheet and it automatically updates. We'll see. I have to get ready for the holiday season.
Tea Party Done, Blog Redesign Done, Tomorrow Sleep
The tea party was a mini success. I say mini because only two girls showed up but they had a lot of fun and my daughter was happy. I admit planning was frustrating. I sent out ten invites and only had one RSVP the day before. So I was driving myself crazy about what I should buy. There's alot of leftovers. I really wish someone could have taken a minute to call or email and say "Sorry my kid can't make it." It's just proper and polite. **sigh**
I did manage to finish the redesign on my blog. I really like that it has a mood now. Thanks Dee on the compliment on the colors. I need to tweek my a bit more and I'm complete with the redesign a few weeks early. Woo hoo!
I'm still debating if I want to stay with an Etsy shop or work with Google checkout. I looked into a GoDaddy cart. The expense is just not feasible. Especially when I can code myself. The Google cart looks promising. I like the fact that I can make an inventory sheet and it automatically updates. We'll see. I have to get ready for the holiday season.
Friday, August 7, 2009
First Draft of Redesign

First Draft of Redesign

Redesign in progress
Making final decisions on the redesign of my website and blog. I really like the new graphics I'm using. Right now I'm converting back to the plain template until the design is finalized. But you can get a sneak peek by visiting my home site
Redesign in progress
Making final decisions on the redesign of my website and blog. I really like the new graphics I'm using. Right now I'm converting back to the plain template until the design is finalized. But you can get a sneak peek by visiting my home site