This greeted me on my way in from lunch last week, hanging out on the door to my office building. Now since I hate bugs and spiders as much as a Hatfield hates a McCoy, I quietly tried to open the door without that sucker flying into my face. It was huge! That's not the bad part of the story...
Yesterday I was teasing my daughter about the bug sound she could hear outside the window. (She also hates bugs and spiders.) If you live anywhere where the summers are kind of humid, you've heard the song of the cicadas. Now I didn't know what a cicada looked like. You hear them all the time but rarely see one. My kid being the daughter of an information junkie (me) asked me what a cicada looked like and of course I looked it up. Guess what that giant bugger up there is? Yeah a cicada.
Now in 36 years of living with the sounds of cicadas echoing in my ears during the summer I have never been worried about them. But now that I know what it looks like, I could feel myself freaking out as we walked home from the laundrymat and I could hear them singing in the trees overhead. Eeel!!! What if one fell into my hair?! I would have looked pretty strange running down the street screaming pushing a bright red shopping cart full of laundry.
two funny!! There was a big story about there maybe three years ago here no the East Coast, they were mating or something like that Apparently they mate or something every so many years and whey then do they are in abundance and everywhere. I remember it ooooh so well too because they were all over the place like never before. People were reporting having them do exactly what you fear...fall or land on them!!! Maybe that season is wherever you are this year.eeekkk
ReplyDeleteI remember that...they were hiding out in the store where I shop. I could hear them but I couldn't see them. I'm in New Jersey....Northeastern US...home of humid sticky summers.
ReplyDeleteTo further gross you out, people actually eat these bugs. Blech!!!