Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Thing A Day #1: Compass Patterns and Gel Pens

My daughter is a budding little artist and I mentioned that she draws much better than I did at her age.  (She'll be nine at the end of this month.)  At her age, I was into drawing patterns with a compass and ruler.

I learned about using the compass for circles in art class and got hooked on different design patterns.  I would create different color schemes and color them in with colored pencils and crayons.  I did this quick compass drawing to give her an example.

I decided to use gel pens to make the colors pop but after I finished I wish I used colored pencils for a softer look.

Thing A Day 2011 Starts Today!!!

What is Thing a Day?

Thing-a-day is a collective creative blog that lives for one month every February. Participants commit to create new things every day and share them with the rest of the group.

Actually I haven't made anything yet.  I've been back logged with Java homework and I think I'm getting sick again.  I will try to do something real quick before I pass out and I'll post it here.